Follow him and rescue him when he is attacked by a pack of 5 nekkers.

If Geralt stopped the conversation at that point, he'll leave the village after a few moments. He'll give directions if being payed or if Geralt uses Delusion and he'll mention that he's heard of witch hunters in the area and begs Geralt to not harm the witch that has been so helpful to him. He won't give up the information easily, so either pay 50, use Axii ( requires Delusion level 2 and grants a 35 XP reward) to loosen his tongue and he will describe the trail to follow or stop the conversation here. Approach the husband near the rear of the house. If asked, she will direct Geralt to speak with her husband who recently went to visit the witch to cure a bad back injury. One peasant woman who can usually be found outside her home sweeping near the village well mentions a witch.An old man smoking a pipe near the western entrance of the village will quickly offer up the witch's location.Geralt can eavesdrop on their conversation, but if he gets too close they will quiet each other until he walks further away. A group of peasant women near the village well are gossiping outside a house in front of a small fire.

There are 3 ways to find the witch's location: There are a few specific villagers that Geralt can speak to, and this is best accomplished during the day as most people are asleep and unresponsive to questioning at night. Geralt can either learn the location of the witch by listening to the villagers of Midcopse or going directly to the witch's home. Walkthrough Find the witch on your own or ask about her